50 Years of the European Walking Route E6


The Grča Kočevje Photography Society (organizer), in collaboration with KEUPS and ERA (sponsors), is announcing a public photography contest: 50 Years of the European Walking Route E6. Both amateur and professional photographers from around the world are welcome to participate free of charge. The contest is organized in accordance with the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS).  

Each participant may submit a maximum of six color or black-and-white photographs. Only photographs taken on or near any part of the European Walking Route E6 in Europe are eligible. The content of the photograph does not necessarily need to depict the trail itself, but the photograph must have been taken on or near the route.

For example, the photograph may also depict a variety of other subjects, such as the surrounding landscape, people and places near the route, wildlife, flora, landmarks, etc.

Only photographs created using photographic equipment are accepted for the contest. Creations made using artificial intelligence (AI/ML) are not allowed. Any photographs that do not meet the contest rules will be disqualified.

Contest Theme:  

European Walking Route E6,  https://www.era-ewv-ferp.org/en/e-paths/e6

E6 is 6,030 km long and passes through Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, and Greece.

E6 was officially opened on June 22, 1975, in Mariazell, Austria, and on May 24, 1975, at Mašun in Slovenia.


Steen Kobberø-Hansen, steenkobberoe@gmail.com (ERA Board Member)

Jože Prah, 00386 (0) 41 657 560, joze.prah@amis.net (KEUPS President)


The professional judging panel will award a total of 20 prizes:  

1st place: FZS Gold Medal + €500 cash prize  

2nd place: FD Grča Gold Medal + €300 cash prize  

3rd place: FZS Silver Medal + €200 cash prize  

4th place: FD Grča Silver Medal  

5th place: FZS Bronze Medal  

6th place: FD Grča Bronze Medal  

5 FZS Diplomas  

9 FD Grča Diplomas

Submission Deadline: July 30, 2025  By submitting their work, participants accept the contest rules. Works are submitted digitally as JPG files on the contest website: http://www.natecaj.eu or via email in case of technical issues: narava@fotodrustvo-grca.si.  

The required resolution for each photograph is 2160 pixels (vertical side) in sRGB JPG/JPEG format. The maximum file size is 4 MB. Photographs must be named in the online entry form with the photograph title and the location of the photograph (name of the educational or thematic trail).

Example: Morning_Masun, Slovenia.

Judging Date: August 15, 2025

Jury: The submitted photographs will be evaluated by a professional committee consisting of:  

Marjan Artnak, Slovenia

Jože Prah, Slovenia

Steen Kobberø-Hansen, The Nederlands

The photographs will be presented to the jury on a 48’’ 4K UHDTV with a resolution of 3840x2160 pixels. The photos will be evaluated separately, and the authorship will remain anonymous to the judges. The jury will consider the relevance of the photograph to the theme, creativity, technical quality, expressiveness, originality, and aesthetic standards.

Results Announcement:

The contest results will be published on the website [www.natecaj.eu](http://www.natecaj.eu) by September 27, 2025.  Each participant will also receive their personal results via email.

Awards Ceremony and Exhibition: The public awards ceremony and the opening of the exhibition with awarded and accepted works will take place in Radlje ob Dravi on September 27, 2025.

Catalogue:  The organizer will issue a printed or digital catalog for the exhibition, which will be provided free of charge to all participants by September 27, 2025.

Copyright: All submitted photographs must be the original work of the participant. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that all photographs they submit do not infringe on the copyrights of third parties or violate the law. Participants guarantee that the submitted photographs are their work and that they hold the copyright for them. The exclusive copyright for all works in this competition remains with the author of the photographs. By submitting their works, participants agree to the contest rules and consent to their data being used for the purpose of informing and publishing details about the exhibition. By submitting their work, the author agrees and confirms that the organizer may use their works for the contest’s promotional purposes (including publication in the exhibition catalog, presentations, exhibitions, video projections, articles, websites, or other printed and electronic media) without prior permission or payment to the author. The contest organizer and sponsor will always credit the authors of the photographs in any publications.  

For additional questions and clarifications, please contact: narava@fotodrustvo-grca.si  

Address: Grča Kočevje Photography Society , Rožna 39, 1330 Kočevje,

Chairman: Marjan Artnak

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Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje

Komisija za evropske pešpoti v Sloveniji (KEUPS) Evropska popotniška zveza (ERA)

Rožna 39

1330 Kočevje


e-pošta: narava@fotodrustvo-grca.si


Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje